«Pax Company» is the major producer of high-altitude communication towers. The company boasts 17-year experience of manufacturing high-quality metallic structures. Since 1997 some three hundred modular towers of various heights have been produced and assembled. There have been no comments concerning operation of the towers and antennas installed on them (with regard to tilting angles under a strong wind). All towers have withstood securely, without the least fault, the action of a hurricane which hit Moscow and Moscow region. The main customer for the towers is «Bee Line», Russia’s cell phone market leader. Communication towers made by Pax have been erected in Moscow, Moscow region and other regions of Russia (Ryazan, Yaroslavl, Tver, Kaliningrad, Vladimir region, Smolensk region, Kaluga region, Yaroslavl region, Kostroma region, Ivanovo region, Chechen republic, and Komi republic). |
Towers are manufactured according to the engineering documents elaborated by ÎÎÎ «ÊÁ «Ìèð» (Pax Design) and specifications ÒÓ 5264-002-42941113-97 «Tower». The company has a license to carry out design and construction work ¹ Ä 170654 and ¹ Ä 171418, issued by Russia’s Gosstandard, and to build structures and buildings of criticality levels I and II over 100 m in height. Towers’ structures are designed in conformity with the requirements of ÑÍèÏ and all necessary normative documents. The towers’ design according to the ÑÍèÏ 2.01.07-85 requirement «Loads and effects» has taken into account all potential combinations of wind and other loads (including the most unfavorable ones). The results have been verified by means of an analysis.. The modular-type towers are prepared for erection at factory, which reduces the amount of assembly work. This makes it possible to perform high-quality welding and painting when carrying out mandatory initial shot-blasting of all elements of the towers’ metallic structures. 100% monitoring of applied rolled metal stock and enhanced corrosion resistance is provided. All parts and assembly units feature factory quality certificates. Elements of the tower section joints are subjected to 100% ultrasound testing. All tower sections are tested for the density of welds with excessive pressure. A tower is a constant-section welded metallic structure made of pipes with variable wall thickness along the tower height.The tower shaft dimension (cross section) is 2,4õ2,4ì or (light-weight version) 1,0õ1,0ì per the centers of the pipes. Towers up to 40 m in height may be erected upon buildings. A tower comprises a base, an upper and intermediate sections, devices for the technological equipment installation (radio-relay and radio-transmitter antennas), staircases with interim platforms and fences. Sections are interconnected by precision joints. Improved coating (automatic shot-blasting of pipe surfaces + zinc composition + pentaftal or acryllic enamel) ensures the metallic structures’ service life of up to 50 years, provided the upper coating layer is restored at least once every 5 years. The steel communication tower has been designed in conformity with the requirements ÑÍèÏ II-23-81* «Steel structures. Design norms». Wind load is the main type of force action for which the tower has been calculated. When estimating the operation load on the tower, we have taken into account all factors stipulated in ÑÍèÏ 2.01.07-85* (wind pulsation, variation of the wind pressure with height), as well as Customer-provided loads produced by the equipment placed on the tower. Foundations of the tower are designed with allowance for specific engineering and geological conditions of the construction site soil, which is examined and surveyed by a specialized geological agency. Foundation of the tower consists of four separate foundation supports, on which the tower is mounted by means of inclined braces. If the tower is mounted on a building, a specialized agency designs supporting structures on which the tower is erected. A passport with a guarantee of at least 20 years of safe operation is issued for the tower. The tower is protected against lightning and is equipped with obstruction lights, supplied with electric power. The daytime marking of the tower is painted with white and red colors, which alternate every six meters, the base and the top of the tower being painted red. Grounding and lightning protection of the tower are made in such a way that resistance to the grounding device yield does not exceed 4 Îhì. Pax Company can implement turn-key projects – manufacture of the foundations and assembly of the towers with obstruction lights, with grounding and lightning protection, with base station premises, and platform fencing. |